May 12, 2016

Fashion │ Festival Style #1

Festival style with C&A_1

Festival style with C&A_2

Luckily, there is life outside of Coachella and many great late spring. early summer music festivals have already started! I couldn't yet take part at any of them, but I already have tickets to a few cool events and I am already mentally preparing for them. Because let's be honest, big festivals do require preparations (whatever the boys may think...). When it comes to festival fashion the most important thing is to find the balance between comfortable and good quality clothes, being stylish and actually being there because of the music and not for posing for photos. I usually also have the dilemma of trying to get items that I would not be super upset about if they got somehow soiled. Some ketchup or barbecue sauce on pants, red berries juice on your top, mud and dust on your shoes, things like this might be hard to completely avoid so I always try to find good quality clothes, but for a good bargain. In this post I'm not only showing you some amazing festival fashion basics that can be combined easily with each other, but also all of them have great prices. Enjoy your summery weekends!

Palm tree photo from: Tumblr

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